Ku-ring-gai and District Football Referees Association Inc.

Course Registration and Membership Application FORM

Please complete the following information to register for a referee course and apply for membership. Please only complete this form once (you will get a confirmation screen if the form has successfully submitted). The Registrar will contact you in due course with next steps.

Personal & Contact Details

Title:First name:Surname:
Gender:Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Home Phone:Work Phone:
Home Fax:Work Fax:

KDFRA Constitution Agreement

IMPORTANT: To become a member of the KDFRA, you must agree to abide and be bound by the Constitution and Rules of the KDFRA.
To view the KDFRA Constitution and Rules - click here (you will need Adobe Acrobat installed to view the file in PDF format).

YES - I agree to abide and be bound by the Constitution and Rules of the KDFRA.